Have you just clocked 50 years, or about to, or have gone past it? Or are you currently experiencing skin problems and need an urgent skincare guide for lovelier facial and body skin? This write-up is poised to provide all the information you require. The information in this article is well researched and can therefore answer your questions and ay et your skincare needs.
With time, your skincare needs tend to change as your taste and need increase. When you get older, nature propels you to change your skincare routine. When people grow older, signs of aging like sun spots, deep wrinkles, skin dryness, etc., conspicuously show up at different times (mostly mid-life) on their skin; these aging signs lead them to seek better skincare routines for their age.
The golden rule in life should be to prevent foreseen circumstances if you can, and if you cannot, do your best to slow it down. Of course, no one can avert the aging process, but you can foresee its potential problems and slow it down. When you adopt the ideal skincare routine, eat balanced diets rich in vitamins and minerals, drink lots of water, exercise, and rest often, you can avoid pre-mature aging and retain youthfulness when a critical aging period approaches.
Tips for caring for your skin at 50 years plus
Cleanse and tone
Start your day with facial washing with gentle soap and water. Next, treat your washed face with a non-irritating and soft cleanser. Avoid using harsh formulas because they will remove your natural skin oils and trigger dryness and irritation. If you have a dry skin type, apply a cleanser that offers an excellent barrier shield with protective ingredients for your skin.
Apply gentle exfoliation
Exfoliation is a potent skin treatment for all ages and skin types. But the intensity of exfoliation application depends on the skin type and age. Fifty years and above women should use mild scrubs for their skin several times a week, and soothe the skin with calming ingredients that contain chamomile and ceramide.
If you prefer using chemical exfoliation, apply gentle products that contain salicylic acid and glycolic acids. If you prefer peels, consider a product with AHAs, tartaric, glycolic, citric, and lactic acids.
Facial rub/massage
Daily facial massage is excellent for the skin – both face and body at any time and age. However, it is exceptionally interesting for mature skin. Regular massaging aids in shaping your facial muscle to lessen fluid accumulation, boost blood circulation, tissue toning, cell turnover, and enhance collagen production.
Replace loss of volume with moisturizers. The hyaluronic level starts depleting at the age of thirties to forties, causing fine lines. Arrest the situation with topical application of hyaluronic acid, which helps to hold and replenish skin moisture. Hyaluronic acid is found in serums, lotions, and creams.
Fortunately, science and technology are spilling out incredibly age-defying innovations and skincare treatments to answer many age-related skin problems. So, if you have been dragging your feet and have suddenly realized you have been mean to your skin and need a change fast? Follow the tips discussed in this article, and do your research to discover more info.